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Principal's MESSAGE

Often textbooks transform into insipid pages of information to students in absence of expertise of efficient teachers. A good teacher can vivify inanimate words and make students accept knowledge withcuriosity and interest.At Ambika School, we believe that knowledge is not a mundane chapter that is required to be instilled in innocent minds to make them succeed at an impending race. On the contrary we ensure transfusing the love of learning in such a way that textbooks become the passport to the world of possibilities a chronicle of discoveries and the origin of inspirationIt is my expectation that all of our Mr Singh families will make a sincere commitment to support the quest for academic excellence that we have embraced as a staff. As stated in our motto, Together we aspire, together we achieve with excellence! Let s all commit to doing our part to be a positive contribution to Mr. Ajay Singh being seen as one of the best schools in our area/school system. I would like to thank you all for all of your support and I encourage you to find your place in the school as a regular volunteer or supporter of all that we do to educate tomorrow's leaders.

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Principal message of AMBIKA SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ,Rani Bazar,(Ram Nagar) Dist. Barabanki, U.P.