Admission Enquiry: +91-9452592081


  • Fee for twelve months will be paid by 1" to 15" of the respective months,
  • Annual fees of the students and admission fees of the students are to be paid along with the first installment of the session. (For new students)
  • For old Students only Annual fee will be charged during Enrollment. • Term & Annual Examination fee are to be paid along with the fees of July and January respectively.

  • After 15" fees is to be paid with late payment fine of 210/- per day.
  • The name of the student who does not pay his/her fees till the last day of the month will be struck of from the school roll. Re-admission can, however be given to such a student on payment of readmission fee and dues.
  • Report cards duly signed by parents must he returned to the respective class teacher. If the card is lost.a duplicate card will be issued on payment of the prescribed fine.

Fee and fine in AMBIKA SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ,Rani Bazar,(Ram Nagar) Dist. Barabanki, U.P.

Uniform rules


  • Summer(Boys/Girls): Red Shirt, Multi Checked shorts with belts, Red Socks with Stripes, Black Shoes.
  • Winter (Boys/Girls): Red full sleeves shirt, Multi checked trousers with belts. Red socks with strips, Red Jacket with hood and black shoes.

  • Summer(Boys/Girls): Yellow Shirt, navy blue shorts, socks with sky blue strips, black shoes, bell. .
  • Winter (Boys/Girls): Yellow Shirt, navy blue shorts, socks with sky blue strips, black shoes, bell.
  • 1st TO 3rd

  • Summer(Boys/Girls): Sky blue shirt with strips on collar & sleeves bluish grey shorts, bluish grey tie with strips. Navy blue and sky blue belt with logo, navy blue socks with sky blue stripes and black shoes.
  • Summer(Boys/Girls): Sky blue shirt with stripes on collar & sleeves, bluish grey skirt, bluish grey be with stripes, navy blue and sky blue belt with logo, navy blue socks with sky blue stripes and black shoes.
  • Winter (Boys/Girls): Full sleeves sky blue shirt and stripes on collar and grey woollen trousers navy blue half sleeves sweater, navy blue blazer, bluish grey tie with strips, navy blue and sky blue belt with logo, navy blue socks with sky blue stripes and black shoes.For Saturday White T-Shirt, White Trousers and white socks with white shoes.
  • 4th to 8th

  • Summer(Boys/Girls): Sky blue shirt with navy blue strips on collar & sleeves, bluish grey trouser, bluish grey tie with strips, Navy blue and sky blue belt with logo, navy blue socks with sky blue stripes and black shoes.
  • Summer(Boys/Girls): Sky blue shirt with stripes on collar & sleeves, bluish grey skirt, bluish grey tie with stripes, navy blue and sky blue belt with logo, navy blue socks with sky blue stripes and black shoes.
  • Winter (Boys/Girls): Full sleeves sky blue shirt and stripes on collar and grey woollen trousers, navy blue half sleeves sweater, navy blue blazer, bluish grey tie with strips, navy blue and sky blue belt with logo, navy blue socks with sky blue stripes and black shoe.
  • Winter (Boys/Girls): Sky blue shirt with strips on collar & bluish grey skirt, Bluish grey tie with strips, Navy blue and sky blue belt with logo, navy blue stockings and black shoes, navy blue blazer, navy blue half sleeps sweater.

Withdrawl rules

  • A student may apply for a transfer certificate on payment of the prescribed fee.Transfer Certificate will be issued after the student has paid all dues of the school and returned all articles such as library books and games material.
  • Transfer Certificate will be issued after three days of the receipt of the application.



Transport facility is provided at every route.

Parental Co-Operation

  • Parenrts are requested to pay school fees in time.
  • They will please ensure that their wards regularly and punctually come to school in prescribed uniform - If due to unavoidable reasons, their wards cannot attend school, they must send leave applications within three days. However they are requested not to send sick students to school.
  • They are requested to sign the daily diaries of their wards to ensure that their wards are doing ther work regularly.
  • They are requested to sign the Progress reports of their wards and take suitable action to remove deficiency if any.
  • They are requested to encourage their wards to participate in all, school activities when they are asked to do so.
  • To discuss the problems of their wards, they may see the teacher with the permission of the Principal However, they are not allowed to go to classrooms They are requested not to allow their wards to wear expensive fountain pens, or cash to school.